Man is consider great not for what he owns, but for who he is; not for what he has, but through what he is willing to share with others.

Saint John Paul II




Doctor Hanka Hertmanowska shared everything… The joy of life, optimism, her knowledge and time to help patients in the best possible way and to contribute to the advances in science. On May 16th, a year has passed since her death, but the work she created in 2011 – Neurological Non-public Health Care Center – Clinical Trial Facility – continues to function and serves the sick just as she wished. The current head of the hospital is Witosław Cieślak, the son of Dr. Hanka Hertmanowska, who, as an expression of great respect, named the clinic after his mother. Her motto “live and enjoy life, and let our team take care of your illness” is still valid.

The head of the hospital, the doctors and other staff of the clinic put a lot of effort and heart into giving patients access to the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment. They support patients mentally and in organizational matters, in order to make them feel less lost. Karolina Piasecka-Stryczyńska, a neurologist specialist ,  says: – Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Institution (sclerosis multiplex) conducts comprehensive, monitored care and treatment of relapses, long-term treatment modifying the course of the disease, psychological and rehabilitation support.

Clinical trials include patients who have not been qualified for immunomodulatory treatment within the NFZ (National Health Fund), have completed the therapeutic program given to them by the NFZ, are receiving treatment with first-line drugs, and the course of the disease demonstrates ineffectiveness of these drugs. Also, the patients who, due to the side effects, do not want to continue the program within the NFZ Project are qualified for the trial. In addition, neurologists specialists employed in the clinic deal with comprehensive treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Clinical trials are also conducted in this direction.

On top of that, we provide treatment for tick-borne infections of the nervous system, including Lyme disease. Dr. Hanka Hertmanowska specialized in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and wrote a doctoral dissertation about it in the 1980s. Moreover, in 1992 she co-founded Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society (Branch in Poznań) and she was a member of Advisory Medical Committee of the General Council of PTSR (Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society) in Warsaw. Thanks to her initiative, first MS clinic was created in Poznan, which was the first one in Poland.

From 1981 to 2009 she was the head of the Provincial Hospital in Poznań. In addition, she created a Rehabilitation Center for people with MS and after stroke patients in Michorzewo in 1998. In 1985, together with the team of specialists, she initiated a comprehensive, monitored care program for people with multiple sclerosis. She ran the program at the neurological department until 2006, and then she continued it in the Neurological Non-Public Health Care Complex in Plewiska established in 2011. In 2009, as one of the few specialists in Poland, she was engaged in diagnostics and treatment of Lyme disease.

Doctor Hanka Hertmanowska was not only an outstanding specialist, but also a wonderful and open to the needs of others person. She was a real friend who could hug, but also bring somebody to heel when needed. She infected everyone with her smile, positive attitude and sense of humor. Alexander Dumas, in his novel The Count of Monte Cristo wrote: “Our dead friends do not rest in the earth, but live in our hearts, as God wanted us never to be alone.” Doctor Hanka will always remain in our hearts. Thanks to the work she created, we will not feel lonely, and our memories will contribute to the fact that Dr. Haneczka will always be with us.

Monika Janc


Source materials: www.hertmanowska.pl, www.temyśli.pl